Just a glimpse of Ston in one of our last blog posts has started our new journey. Not to jump far too quickly, we’ll start this trip along the second largest peninsula of Croatia before going out to the open sea.

Pelješac extends parallel to the mainland and is perfectly positioned for growing grapes. Naturally, the natives have been well aware of that fact for a long time now. Aside from the Ston walls, oysters, and extraordinary olive oil, Pelješac is widely known for its wines. The very steep terrain of Pelješac offers a unique surrounding for the grapevines. On this peninsula, the sun shines upon the grapes from three directions. The first is directly from the sun, the second is reflected by the rocks surrounding the yards, and the third is the sun's reflection in the sea. This unique surrounding gives the grapes a special kick during the riping process. That has to be reason enough to try the wines, but visit the family-run wineries if you need a reason more. They are in beauty and history beyond beautiful, precious, and enjoyable.
As we take this trip along Pelješac, we can not skip the historical importance of this priceless peninsula. The maritime history of Pelješac is most seen in Janjina and Popova Luka. From their inclusion to the Dubrovnik Republic, Pelješac had been recognized as a crucial part of the defense and food supply. Janjina, for example, had its coat of arms and a rectors palace which served as the home of the captain.
Not to dwell on history too much, let us jump to the nature of this place. If Croatia is the land of more than a thousand islands, then Pelješac has to be considered the peninsula of a thousand plants. More than 1100 different, of which many indigenous, have been registered just at Pelješac alone. This place will astound you with its vistas. Greenfields, flat and tame, turn so unexpectedly into steep, rocky roads only to finish in the most beautiful ways. Pebble and sandy beaches where decennia old cypresses offer natural shade on hot summer days, deep blue coves, and ancient settlements situated ideally on the shores.
To top this place most naturally, we’ll jump down to the very tip of the peninsula. Lovište, the most west-situated settlement of Pelješac is a picturesque place almost defying the overall look of the peninsula. Its surrounding is most tame, with no significant hills. Because it’s so perfectly positioned, it tops the list of the sunniest places in Croatia, with over 3000 hours of sunlight in one year. It is home to an extraordinary variety of birds whose songs will set the right tone for the end of the day. Pelješac will make you hold your breath and stop you from blinking with its sunsets setting. Well, you can imagine the sea, the colors, the breeze in the dusk and the song of birds. No? Well, we got you. Just visit as soon as you can.