
A salty place? Just by the name, we reckon. If we had to describe Slano, we would say it is the most picturesque place of the Dubrovnik surrounding. Situated in a peaceful bay underneath a chain of hills it was once a summer destination to the noble families of the Dubrovnik Republic. The rector’s palace and a few of the summer country estates are well preserved and offer a unique insight into the history of this area. The place with the salty name (slano-salty), legend says, got named by a Bosnian princess. She unexpectedly turned from her planned course of travel and ended up at this settlement by the sea. It was the first time she ever saw and tasted salty water.
Slano is home to a new marina named after the mastermind behind the whole ACI project. The marina Veljko Barbieri, located in the bay of Slano was planned carefully. The architect designed it with one particular thing in mind, known from ancient times. The bay offers perfect shelter regardless of wind, so you can just wait and let them pass you by. Looking from the Slano bay onto the open sea, you will find Šipan and Jakljan almost at the tip of your fingers. You can go east in the direction of Kalamota or west through the Koločep canal to reach yet another, the Ston canal. As we are keeping in line with the mainland, we continue to Ston.
This stunning settlement may be small, but the wall surrounding it, as well as the significance behind it, was and still is enormous. The originally 7 km long wall, was constructed in the 14th and 15th centuries. The construction began right after the Dubrovnik Republic came into possession of Ston in 1333. Salt has been produced in Ston for centuries with large salt works located just at the base of the Ston canal. But for an overall experience, you have to visit Mali (little) Ston as well. Shellfish farms cover most of the Bistrina bay and surround the Islet of life. Family-run restaurants serve nothing but the freshest of food with which they will recommend only the best indigenous wines. And you can fully relax because they know best.